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Policy Development


The purpose of the Policy Development & Emerging Issues policy is to support the Tourism Industry Association of Alberta (TIAA) Board of Directors in the evaluation, and approval, of provincial and federal, tourism-oriented policy that will support the interests of the association’s full and associate membership.  Specifically, this policy supports the Board of Directors in the following ways:  


  • in consideration of policies and recommendations that are brought forward by ‘full’ members, the TIAA Tourism Policy Committee, or the TIAA Industry Associations Advisory Council; and,


  • in consideration of any emerging issue(s) that could positively, or negatively, impact a majority of the association’s full and associate members and for which the membership is looking to the TIAA board to inform a timely, and strategic response to the issue.            


Board Policy Options



An endorsement is a statement where TIAA offers support (in principle) to the work of another organization

on an issue(s) that aligns with or supports TIAA’s overarching policy objectives.  TIAA may offer this support

a variety of ways, including: verbally, in writing, or, through a media release.  The decision to provide an

endorsement will rest with the TIAA Board Advisor/CEO, however, direction will be sought from the TIAA

Board Chair in instances where existing TIAA policy is not available to help provide context for a decision.



A stance is a one-time statement wherein TIAA takes a broad position on an issue as a means of signalling

the association’s concern, and/or intention to work at developing a policy recommendation(s) on the matter. 

The purpose of a stance position is to publicly declare to TIAA members, general public, government and

media that TIAA has serious concerns about an issue and will be considering a full range of actions that

could be taken.  A stance on an issue does not necessarily mean the board will proceed to do more work on

an issue; it may simply serve as a warning shot that TIAA is monitoring an issue(s) with interest.   The

decision to take stance will rest with the TIAA Board of Directors. 



A policy is a formal position taken by the TIAA board of directors which helps inform its overarching policy

agenda workplan and the allocation of volunteer and financial resources needed to communicate the

message.  Policies adopted by the TIAA board are advocated a number of ways from informal discussions

with elected officials and bureaucrats to structured presentations, to standing policy committees, one-on-one

meetings with government and grassroots-oriented advocacy and communication campaigns that seek to

engage all TIAA members in advocating a particular position(s).